Understanding Doubt

I have been wanting to write a blog post on working through doubt since May when I attended a wonderful lecture on this topic by BYU history & religion professor J. Spencer Fluhman. He had fantastic insight on doubt because his area of expertise is the Nauvoo era of the LDS Church which is when polygamy started to be taught to members of the church.  He talked about how many BYU students find their way to him to ask about polygamy and other issues that often arouse concerns (many of which are very valid). He also referred us to a compilation work he and some colleagues had assembled to address a number of the issues that tend to arouse the most doubt for us Mormons: No Weapon Shall Prosper

Well, here it is four months later, and I never got around to it.  However, thanks to Jana Riess’s blog, Flunking Sainthood, I’m going to give myself a pass for a little bit longer, and just refer you over to her post in the mean time.

Bottom line, don’t disengage or get confrontational with people over doubt, respond to their questions with love and compassion, and if you don’t know the answer, then find someone who does without making the questioner feel like they’re in the wrong for asking a question.

Here’s the link to Jana’s post:  Mormons Who Doubt

Latter-day Saints believe in the resurrected J...